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"Award-Winning Luggage System" Men's Journal March 2025

Why the (hand rolled) vacuum bag is the best little perk for one bag travel

Once you have the perfect backpack (ahem, the Journey) you want to pack efficiently.  Besides being judicious about what you take, you want to be able stay organized in the bag, keep things separate - especially wet or dirty things - and save space.  Enter, the Hand-Rolled One-Way-Air-Valve Zip-lock Travel Bag.  

Looking like a large ziplock bag with a nice tab to help close the zip, these things come in different sizes, but Idea Mountain figured out the best size for the Journey system and included TWO with each system.  They are 40cm x 60cm, and do amazing work. 

The picture above is of the bag squished down. It fits TONS of stuff! it contains:

  1. 3 pair of boxer shorts
  2. 2 pair of socks
  3. a boxers like swimming suit
  4. 2 big puffy sweaters that I would never take traveling
  5. 1 long sleeve turtle neck, which is what I take traveling

Things to remember: 

  • make sure the zip is closed; drag the tab back and forth a few times
  • things in this WILL wrinkle - don't put things in it that you'd worry about wrinkling.
  • Work to lay your stuff out flat, then roll up the whole thing.  Sitting on it before you start to roll is an easy way to get started.
  • they keep the wet stuff away from dry stuff, they keep dirty stuff away from clean stuff
  • Don't put sharp things in it (duh!)

Here's a 2 minute video about how great they are: